
Real Talk With Gary - Real Estate Investing

Gary Hibbert is a Full Time Real Estate Investor, Licenced Real Estate Agent, achieving various Realtor awards and an Educator. In 2008, he purchased his first investment property and through hard work and dedication, left the regiment of the corporate world to become a Full Time Entrepreneur in 2014. Gary has helped hundreds of clients with creating a wealth strategy plan through public speaking, online webinars and even has his own podcast channel dedicated to inspire and educate anyone willing to change their mindset. He continues to play an active role in his community by attending corporate, private and school events to educate adults and especially children. Gary’s inspiration and hard work comes from his passion in helping others and wanting to make a difference in their lives. “Being able to design a lifestyle of your choice is not an easy feat, however, it’s attainable as long as you have passion and know what your ‘why’ is. “ - Gary Hibbert
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Real Talk With Gary - Real Estate Investing








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Now displaying: May, 2020
May 27, 2020

Gary answers some questions that have been sent to him on Instagram first, then welcomed Matt McKeever, a young investor who quit his job at age 31, effectively retiring and living life as an investor full time. He started with rentals for students, and moved up to multi unit rental spaces. He and Gary had a robust chat on many topics, especially balancing the need for cash in an investment property vs. the time you devote to your investments!

What you'll learn:

* EXPECT to make mistakes when you begin as a Real Estate investor

* Don’t let it stop you from taking action

* Surround yourself with a strong team

* You won’t hit a home run on your first property

* How Matt has repositioned due to the market realities of our current situation

* Techniques to attract people to view properties virtually

* How commercial lenders are changing their rules almost weekly

* Why Matt started his YouTube channel for Canadian investors

* Is real estate investing still a worthwhile pursuit during a pandemic?

* Matt discusses how to determine what income level can afford certain property rents

* Will vacancy rates change due to our current situation

* Are the million dollar flips in jeopardy

* Is commercial real estate experiencing pain

* will companies abandon expensive office space

* Will restaurants change/disappear due to commercial spaces

* Why cashflow is king

* Is the old world / old way of doing things gone forever?

* How more transactions will move online

* Innovation is playing a part how business operates during the pandemic

* Will there be a massive shift to online learning, with cost savings to universities

* Be clear on why you want to be an investor - what do you need vs. what you want

* The difference between information, knowledge, wisdom and experience

* What is the return on your time invested AS an investor

* Money is unlimited, time is a scarce resource

* You HAVE to make offers if you are an investor!

* And MORE!

Matt’s Bio

Matt McKeever is a Real Estate Investor, Youtuber with close to 60k followers with 5-10k views per day, a registered CPA and co-founder of Cashflow Tribe to help educate real estate investors.

At the age of 31, Matt retired to become a Real Estate Entrepreneur. He began investing in London, Ontario in 2010. In 2015, Matt quickly built up his real estate portfolio implementing the BRRRR strategy. At any given time he has over 100 units.

Matt also founded and hosted events such as the Ontario Real Estate Conference (OREC), the Vegas Entrepreneur Experience (#vee2018). Lastly he is the co-host of the ON FIRE podcast discussing financial independence with various folks around the world who are passionate about their financial freedom.

Contact Matt  

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May 20, 2020

Gary welcomed Aziz Velji, teacher of human potential and author of “CALM BRAIN, POWERFUL MIND: Abolish Stress to Unleash Your True Potential”. CALM BRAIN, POWERFUL MIND is a comprehensive and seminal self-help book about how a person can eliminate stress from their lives in order to access the inherent power of their mind, and live a happy, healthy, and creative life. Gary and Aziz had a great chat about beliefs, thoughts, actions, mindfulness, meditation and the ability for change!

What you'll learn:

  • We have two ways or mindsets to respond to events - fear, unhappiness, stress, OR happy, calm, alert, resilient mind.
  • Why the first 7 years program our beliefs for the rest of our lives, by people who want the best for us, but are teaching us what they know
  • 70-75 of programming delivered to us is counterintuitive to our needs and is subconscious
  • a child doesn’t know cause and effect, and this results in “I don’t deserve it mentality”
  • After age 7 the conscious mind starts to evaluate our beliefs and our thoughts.
  • Our beliefs become thoughts, which become our words, which become our actions, which become our habits, which become our values
  • Do we have the ability to change our beliefs
  • You face a crisis and you use the subconscious mind to solve the problem
  • How do you approach changing your beliefs
  • What is a Mental Diet?
  • What is ‘mind chatter’?
  • The brain has a negative bias and how that plays out for us
  • Our mind is like velcro for negative thoughts, and teflon for positive ones
  • What is observing your thoughts?
  • Why you want to split yourself into two - watching and doing
  • When we are present, there are no thoughts, we are fully enjoying an activity - some have trouble maintaining it, so we switch back to the subconscious
  • Most people spend 95% of their day in ‘mind chatter’ / subconscious
  • Why meditation is SO powerful!
  • And MORE!

Aziz’s Bio

As a student, teacher and author, my background encompasses specialized areas of study and expertise in philosophy, psychology, meditation practices, quantum physics, brain enhancement, neuroscience, and lucid dreaming (or what is called Dream Yoga). My formal education includes postgraduate degrees in engineering and business management. I have applied these areas of study and formal training to better understand the nature of reality, the relationship between the brain and the mind, and to further advance society, humanity, and most importantly, our potential as human beings.

My book, “CALM BRAIN, POWERFUL MIND: Abolish Stress to Unleash Your True Potential” is coming out in a few weeks.

CALM BRAIN, POWERFUL MIND is a comprehensive and seminal self-help book about how a person can eliminate stress from their lives in order to access the inherent power of their mind, and live a happy, healthy, and creative life. There are many books that discuss ways of controlling stress, but this book seeks to help the reader understand the true causes of stress, and how the various parts of the brain are critical in its development... and ultimately, in its removal. As well, the book explains and provides the tools (like meditation) that can be used to eliminate stress from a person’s brain, mind and their thinking.

I also teach my “Conversations with Friends” series of seminars and workshops which are based on the book.

Contact Aziz

Phone: 416 669 9539

Email -

e-Book -

website -


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May 13, 2020

Gary welcomed Howard Tavroges, a paralegal who has represented both tenants and landlords at the Ontario Tenant Review board, but now exclusively represents landlords.

Tenants are not paying rent, banding together for support. Since these are difficult times, Gary picked Howard’s brain about the legality of this current situation, and how landlords should proceed. Landlords aren’t powerless, however there must be a process followed to ensure a happy and legal outcome.

What you'll learn

  • Why tenants are banding together to defer rent
  • Has the tenant been proactive to propose a rent solution
  • Is the tenant using the pandemic as a ploy, or having genuine trouble paying?
  • Should landlords issue an N4
  • Should landlords then file an L1
  • What suggestions Howard has for landlords during this time with COVID 19
  • What about vacant possession - What if a seller has sold their home with a tenant and the buyer is going to occupy the home
  • Howard’s suggestions about collecting rent
  • Can you use the last month’s rent to fill in the gaps
  • Is it wise to accept credit cards or Square payments
  • There is an incredible backlog at the LTB, what is happening about scheduling these hearings.
  • The LTB website have posted about possibly having telephone hearings, what does Howard think
  • Howard’s suggestions to expedite the eviction process
  • How long he thinks it will take for a landlord to be able to get a hearing
  • What is the landlord’s obligations as far as maintenance during this time
  • Prior to COVID 19, did you see any changes/improvements with the LTB process?
  • And MORE!


Howard’s Bio

I only represent Landlords.  That’s all I do. Nothing else. Having been on the other side, I am in a very advantageous and unique position in being able to assist landlords with any problems they might be experiencing with their tenants.

My philosophy is to provide all of my clients with superior, high quality and cost-effective legal representation. I have an exemplary reputation for diligence, preparedness and a comprehensive knowledge of The Residential Tenancies Act.

Contact Howard

Phone: 705-722-1971


Credit card payments:

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May 6, 2020

Gary welcomed Kathryn "RaRa" Asaro Mayers & Colleen Lindberg, founders of WYSIWYG into the studio for a really fun and engaging chat about WYSIWYG.

WYSIWYG "What You See Is What You Get" is the easiest explanation we could come up with for the name of our PROJECT. The results KOLBE A Index and KOLBE F (Financial MO) Index provide are clear & concise. You will know exactly how you do things according to your connate abilities.

Kolbe A index measures your instinctive way of doing things and the result is called your MO (method of operation). It is the only validated assessment that measures a person’s conative strengths. Gain greater understanding of your own human nature and begin the process of maximizing your potential.

What you'll learn

  • Why Kolbe tests can help anyone interested in how they operate
  • The 4 quadrants of a Kolbe test and what they show
  • They can be used for interpersonal relationships, both personal and work-related
  • Build businesses that match our strengths
  • Assess how potential business partners work, to avoid future conflict
  • Assess others’ skill set, to better plan who does what
  • Understand our children better
  • How you handle money
  • How you handle information
  • Do you need challenges, or prefer stability
  • Stop fighting your needs and embrace your true strengths
  • The difference between Kolbe tests and DISC
  • How these tests map out the three dimensions to the mind
  • And MORE!


Colleen Lindberg Bio

Colleen Lindberg, is a passionate speaker, trainer, facilitator, consultant, author and mentor.

With her entrepreneurial spirit she started her first self-employed business at 17 years old. This zest for entrepreneurship extended into a consulting firm 11 years later, which she has been successfully running for the last 10 years.

The Kolbe culture and way of life has been an off shoot to the consulting Colleen delivers in corporations. From individual understanding to team/joint venture dynamics, Colleen has been using

the Kolbe index to enhance lifestyle and cultures within people and teams.

She is the author of the book “Change the Light Bulb: Habits and Choices to Create Success In All Aspects of Your Life”. Colleen loves life and enjoys spending down time taking walks, playing with her animals and laughing. You can always find her nose in a great book.

She truly believes that the more you know about yourself the better ammunition you have to create lasting success in all the areas of your life.

Kathryn “RaRa” Asaro Mayers Bio

RaRa is a New Yorker who loves everything about the Big City.

For over 3 decades RaRa has been living in Canada raising her family, then devoting her time to her businesses.

The Entrepreneur in Kathryn emerged at a very early age, it was all she could think about. She went on to develop her market in Real Estate while living in New York as a Broker of Record. Then Psychology, Fitness, Nutrition, Lifestyle & Business Coaching while living in Montreal and New Business Development with THE BRIDGE, her Personal Growth Company.

Speaking, Presenting, Coaching, Team Building, Business Etiquette & Relationship Marketing are some of the roles RaRa is passionate about.

Some of the Businesses that have Kathryn’s personal participation and partnership from inception are Owner & Concept Coordinator-Brooklyn Heights, Founder & CEO-THE BRIDGE, Co-Founder-Gratitude Girls, Co-Founder, Co-CVO-B.U. Network and Executive-Send Out Cards-Team Gratitude.

Rotarian at heart since August of 2014 RaRa currently serves her community in Toronto as a member with her heart in “Service Above Self”.

Kathryn is a former member of Toastmasters International and BNI: Business Network International.

Contact Kathryn

WYSIWYG -What You See Is What You Get

Co-Founder of WYSIWYG -

Founder & CEO of THE BRIDGE,

Co-Founder of GratitudeGirls,

Co-Founder & Co-CVO of  B-U Network,

Executive Affiliate, Send Out Cards

Contact Colleen

Facebook -

Instagram -

Website -

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