Dave Dubeau
This month I had the chance to interview one of my early mentors, Dave Dubeau. I first stumbled across Dave’s website around 2010 when I was just getting Smart Home Choice started. The knowledge, tips and strategies I learned from him in the start of my investing career allowed me to make leaps and bounds in Real Estate investing. I sincerely believe that if you take a few minutes out of your day, Dave will make an impact on your life as well.
What you’ll learn on this call;
Dave Dubeau is a Real Estate Entrepreneur, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Investor Attraction Expert based in Kamloops, B.C. Canada. He began his real estate investing career in 2003 doing 18 deals in 18 months. He later switched his focus to client-first rent to own deals, and nowadays he invests in multi-family (apartment building) properties. For the last several years Dave has been the World’s #1 Investor Attraction “Imple-Mentor”. Using his proprietary 5 Step Money Partner Formula™, Dave helps his real estate entrepreneur clients to grow their portfolios significantly and in record time by attracting investors (instead of chasing after them).
website: www.InvestorAttractionBook.com - Get a complimentary copy of his new book
In this Podcast, I had the opportunity to talk with Ryan Carr, who capitalized on a unique strategy. He had the vision to turn single family homes in to 2 unit properties that many investors ran from.
If you think you can’t make deals work in your area anymore, tune into this month’s Podcast to find out this game changing strategy.
What you’ll learn from this Podcast;
Ryan Carr is a full time real estate investor from the Durham Region who specializes in maximising residential rent potential using his "vertical split" renovation technique. His company, R.W. Carr Investments, has created a sustainable portfolio through the use of joint venture funding, and has also recently branched out into mentorship programs for newcomers to the industry.
You can learn more about Ryan at http://rwcarrinvestment.com
Contact Ryan at info@rwcarrinvestment.com
Ready to start investing in Real Estate? Visit us today at http://smarthomechoice.ca and download your free Real Estate investing book Now!
Email us today at investor@smarthomechoice.ca to book a free 1 on 1 call.
Les Brown
On today’s show I had the chance to talk with one of my mentors that has had a huge impact on my life, Les Brown. From listening to him in my car, at the gym and when I’m relaxing, to now be in a position to be able to interview him was a huge accomplishment for me up to this point in my life.
There are so many great take-aways from this show, Les Brown has truly mastered the craft of communication and shares his incredible story and how to design your life.
“Do what is easy your life will be hard. Do what is hard your life will be easy” – Les Brown.
Motivational speaker Les Brown was born Leslie Calvin Brown on February 17, 1945, in Miami, Florida. After giving birth to Brown and his twin brother, Wes, on the floor of an abandoned building, Brown’s biological mother gave her sons up for adoption when they were six weeks old to Mrs. Mamie Brown. When he was in fifth grade, Brown was forced back a grade by the school’s principal after being disruptive in class. Brown’s demotion subsequently led him to being placed in special education classes and labeled as mentally retarded. As an adolescent, Brown attended Booker T. Washington High School where he was influenced by a speech and drama instructor who encouraged him to pursue a career in radio broadcasting.
After graduating from high school and briefly working for the Department of Sanitation, Brown worked as an errand boy for a Miami Beach radio station. At the station, Brown observed the disc jockeys with hopes of one day becoming an on-air personality. His break came when one of the disc jockeys became inebriated. Brown stood in for him and then was hired as a disc jockey. In the late 1960s, Brown moved to Columbus, Ohio, to work for WVKO Radio, where he became active in the community. Brown’s political activism in Columbus won him a seat with the 29th House District of the Ohio State Legislature. In his first year, Brown passed more legislature than any other freshman representative in Ohio State legislative history. In his third term, Brown served as chair of the Human Resources Committee.
In 1981, Brown left the Ohio State House of Representatives to care for his ailing mother back in Florida. While in Miami, he continued to focus on social issues by developing a youth center training program. In 1986, Brown entered the public speaking arena on a full-time basis and formed Les Brown Enterprises, Inc. In 1989, Brown received the National Speakers Association’s highest award, the Council of Peers Award of Excellence (CPAE). In 1990, Brown recorded the Emmy Award-winning series of speeches entitled You Deserve, which became the lead fundraising program of its kind for pledges to PBS stations nationwide. In 1991, Toastmasters International selected Brown as one of the world’s best speakers and awarded him the Golden Gavel Award.
Brown ranks amongst the nation’s leading authorities in understanding and stimulating human potential; he is a featured guest on many radio broadcasting stations and is often hired by professional corporations to teach and inspire new levels of achievement.
What you’ll learn from this call;