What you will learn on this call;
Contact Ankur Puri
Email: connect@ankurpuri.com
Website: www.ankurpuri.com
Ankur Puri is a Successful Strategic Real Estate Investor, Speaker, Mentor and upcoming Author.
He has shared stages with Legends like Kevin Harrington (Original Shark Tank), Raymond Arron, and Dr. Ona Brown. He has been featured in Canadian Real Estate Wealth Magazine / CREW, Local Newspapers, podcasts and many more.
After immigrating to Canada in 2010, Ankur worked in a restaurant for close to minimum wage. With No Money, No Credit or Experience, he decided to quit his job to follow his passion for Real Estate.
With only $98.25 left to his name, he made his first successful deal netting him $10,000 dollars.
Since then, Ankur has done all his deals No Money Down and has flipped over 18 properties in 3 Years with Net Profits of 1.2+ Million Dollars. As an “Expert Strategist”, Ankur has created massive wealth for himself and is well known among his J.V. Partners for producing 20%-30%++ ROI.
Ankur is dedicated to help others achieve their success through his Seminars, Closed Group Masterminds and Absolute Success 1 on 1 Mentoring Program.
He says, “J.V. Partnership is like Short-Term Marriage leading to Long-Term Relationships.”
He believes, “A Real Investor makes Money either way the Market Turns.”
Check out my previous shows on YouTube