
Real Talk With Gary - Real Estate Investing

Gary Hibbert is a Full Time Real Estate Investor, Licenced Real Estate Agent, achieving various Realtor awards and an Educator. In 2008, he purchased his first investment property and through hard work and dedication, left the regiment of the corporate world to become a Full Time Entrepreneur in 2014. Gary has helped hundreds of clients with creating a wealth strategy plan through public speaking, online webinars and even has his own podcast channel dedicated to inspire and educate anyone willing to change their mindset. He continues to play an active role in his community by attending corporate, private and school events to educate adults and especially children. Gary’s inspiration and hard work comes from his passion in helping others and wanting to make a difference in their lives. “Being able to design a lifestyle of your choice is not an easy feat, however, it’s attainable as long as you have passion and know what your ‘why’ is. “ - Gary Hibbert
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Real Talk With Gary - Real Estate Investing








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Now displaying: June, 2020
Jun 24, 2020

Randy Gill on Finding Your Awesome! They talked about mindset, gratitude and giving back to the community.

Gary provides 3 ideas and tips that he uses to help him life!

What you'll learn:

* Why now is a GREAT time to examine your life and make changes!
* What was the moment that crystallized his desire to do more for underprivileged kids
* Their opportunity gives hope and opportunity to those that are lacking in both
* How many communities are impacted by their work in their 10 year journey
* How Their Opportunity gives back, but expects those receiving help to pass it on, and give back as well
* How they have created a cycle of generosity
* Why it's important that they are invited into communities
* What is the intake process for someone wanting their child to be part of Their Opportunity
* Why Randy is the ‘hope dispenser’
* Why hope is stronger than fear, especially during these times
* Why you should believe that good things are about to happen
* When you go into a situation with ‘fear first’, you derail the opportunity
* Be mindful, so that you don’t miss opportunities and gratitude can rise
* How is Randy affected by the current situation, and how business has shifted
* What types of currency are businesses giving and receiving now - hard currency, goodwill…what added value are businesses giving
* How Randy’s currency is now Instagram lives and virtual conversations
* Digital currency - likes, shares, etc are very powerful
* What are ‘relationCHITS’, and how they impact relationSHIPS
* Why giving with your business first, especially during the startup phase - customers and client will realize that giving back is a pillar of your business, and will be more loyal to a business than others that focus on getting
* What is Finding Your Awesome - you’ll become more creative and focused
* And MORE!


Randy Gill is the President & Founder of Their Opportunity, a registered charity that exists to provide under-serviced families with the means to enroll their children in local sports & recreation programs. Randy and his team of game changers look to remove barriers to access as well as advocate for children to give them the opportunity to develop the confidence, social skills and healthy lifestyle attainable through sport and community engagement.

Randy has been described as a “passionate and energetic community leader with a true heart for the under-serviced population.” Randy also is a sought-after public speaker who has addressed thousands of people across the country with a message of pursuing your passions, dispensing hope and generosity, community, leveling the playing field and finding your awesome.

This former pro hockey player coaches hockey at the local rinks, consulting for NFPs & Charities or serving on several committees in a volunteer capacity, such as Chairing the Durham College Program Advisory Committee and Advancing Access to Affordable Recreation in Durham (AAARD). Randy is actively serving on the Parasport Games Committee and the Adaptive Sport Collective. He also devotes time to helping many other local initiatives and organizations, such as The Refuge and St. Vincent’s Kitchen.

Randy has been married to his lovely bride for over 24 years. Together they have a teenage son who keeps them hopping and living life to the fullest.

Phone: 905-444-9992, Ext. 9994
Instagram: @theiropp

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Jun 17, 2020

Gary chatted with his good friend Aslan Mirkalami, an author and The Result Doctor! They talked about a wide range of topics…

What you'll learn:

  • Why every belief we have is a lie
  • How you become like the people you are in close proximity to
  • Why people that become wealthy all share a certain set of beliefs - e.g. they don’t believe money is evil, or you don’t have to be an evil person to be wealthy
  • They don’t have beliefs like “I’m not worthy of money…”, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”, “Money is the root of all evil”, etc.
  • A belief is statement of idea without any physical proof
  • Aslan can show you how to dismantle limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering ones
  • The amount of hours you conscious mind is awake or aware
  • What a cashless society might look like, and what a new currency could be to replace it
  • Currencies such as cash and cheques convey confidence, and involve trust
  • Why the banks are your friend when you need services, but when times are tough they get tough
  • Aslan’s opinion on mental illness, our current situation, the lockdown, mainstream media and more.
  • People are using alcohol now
  • Suicides are skyrocketing as well
  • Why happiness is our natural state
  • You were born to be happy, and you learn to be unhappy
  • Aslan believes that every child is a millionaire, and can do anything
  • Why happiness enhances your performance
  • Personal forgiveness is important
  • Why your children thrive or struggle based on the beliefs you instil in them
  • What does more money bring? More experiences…and more memories, then this leads to great happiness
  • And MORE!

Aslan’s Bio

Aslan Mirkalami is the founder of Result as an Executive result coach. All I am going to say people who work with him Become wealthy and rich and make a lot of money, so pay good attention, I will let him introduce himself.

He has authored the books, “Believing Is Seeing”, “Secrets of the Healthy Mind” and “Unfuck Your Life”, all available on his website below.


Phone: 416-258-0038


Facebook: Aslan Mirkalami

Instagram: Aslan Mirkalami

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Jun 10, 2020

Gary chatted with investor Glen Sutherland, a Canadian investing in the USA. He started with buy/hold investments early on in Canada

What you'll learn:

  • How Glen migrated from buying one investment property for his retirement to multiple units
  • How the ‘Bank Of Grandma’ played in to his early success - family members can be a great source of cash for your investment journey
  • Proactive strategies for dealing with tenants and rent, if they are struggling or lost their job, especially during a pandemic
  • Should we be investing in real estate now, or see how things play out over the coming months?
  • Why it still may be a good time to invest, based on past cycles
  • What happens if there is a shortage in properties for sale, or if there are too many properties for sales?
  • The differences between investing in the States and Canada
  • How you must do research to see where you will invest in the US
  • Why prices are more favourable in certain areas, and make it easier to get into the market vs. Ontario
  • Why renovation costs in the US will gain you more, as everything is more expensive in Canada - Dual flush toilets were purchased for $60
  • How it’s important to assemble a strong team to help you, or a good property manager
  • Why you should be afraid of purchasing properties that need more love - Glen is no longer afraid of buying cheap properties that will appraise at a higher value
  • Mortgages can be had, because there are so many banks across the United States, and some that are only in different states
  • What is a ‘non-recourse loan’ in the US?
  • Why you should use a corporation for investing, and nothing should be in your name
  • What are the loan to value ratios in the US?
  • What are the criteria for getting a mortgage in the US as a Canadian?
  • Most mortgages are low risk in the US
  • And MORE!

Glen’s Bio

Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Cambridge, ON where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey purchasing 'buy and hold' rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favourable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the border. These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the US by buying, renovating, refinancing to grow his rental real estate portfolio. He also hosts the Podcast and Youtube channel entitled,  "A Canadian Investing in the US", where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. He enjoys the privilege of sharing his knowledge with others.


Phone: 519-502-9340


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Jun 3, 2020

Proactive Mental Health Strategies

Gary chatted with Jen Couto, a trainer who has a passion for movement! She also helps women discover their best selves, and also worked in the mental health space. This journey also helped Jen deal with her own depression, self esteem issues

What you'll learn:

  • How she migrated from an in person trainer to online training, and why she feels that yields better results
  • How she has created and fosters an online community for her clients
  • In person training is very focused
  • She guarantees results
  • Jen has both free and paid communities
  • People seem to be binge eating or not getting enough good nutrition
  • Why she asks clients what their ratio of good food to junk food that was eaten in the past week
  • She helps people increase activity and eat well when their bodies are under incredible stress during the pandemic
  • How sugar plays into stiffness
  • How Gary did 1 run this week and it made all the difference in the world
  • We may be able to be positive, but people are struggling
  • How to motivate yourself, especially now as people are stressed in our current situation
  • How and why she creates a safe space for clients to share and talk about what’s happening to them now
  • How Jen works on her mindset now, and how it’s changed over the years
  • Why both Jen and Gary *still* use coaches
  • Why passion is not sustainable - and why sometimes it needs to be manufactured
  • Why you shouldn’t feel bad if your passion is not felt 24/7
  • Why you should focus on things you must do to focus your passion and help with mental health
  • Why you can damage a property and move to another, but your body is the only one you’ve got…you can’t just repair it at will - treat your body like a temple
  • And MORE!

Jen’s Bio

Jen is an Online Trainer currently living in Toronto who has a passion for life through movement. She has spent 5 years in the industry building a determination to help  women in their quest to their best selves.

She’s a mother of three who has gone through bouts of depression and challenges with self esteem and body image. Jen believes in the power of healthy living to heal and develop the tools necessary to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Her online training programs include daily accountability, a community of support, mindset coaching, and customized nutrition and fitness programming.

Contact Jen

Phone: 416.953.3449

Insta: @Hylif.str

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